Please share this story in hope that this concept will be adopted by other countries too and his
clinic will receive funding to continue servicing the ones in need of help. 

Set up by a 24 year old Indonesian with a unique perspective of 
treating people in exchange of trash.  If this concept will be done
in every city, in every country, a lot of poor people will benefit from it
and it will also help in cleaning our environment since a lot of people
will be inspired to collect trash and instead of throwing them out 
in the street, ocean and drainage, they will just collect them in 
exchange for a treatment.  What a brilliant concept and I hope this 
will reach the people who can fund this initiative. 

This story deserves to be shared. 

Gamal Albinsaid, founder of the said clinic deserves a huge respect.

A great initiative from Southest Asia and if we have more doctors and people who has a passion for helping others, there is still hope in making the world a better place.

image source from:

Causes of Stress in Modern Life

Stress is part of our daily lives therefore its inevitable. The only thing we can do is to manage them properly.
There has been a lot of articles that already came out telling us to slow things down, breath in and out, setting our priority straight and a lot more.
For us to manage things successfully, we should find what is causing our stress or what are the trigger factors that affects our daily lives and cultivates stress.
Knowing the reason and trying to avoid it is a great way to managing our stress daily.

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Outstanding Traits of a Great BOSS

Becoming a boss and managing people is not an easy task. It takes a lot of qualities and patience to really manage and understand your people.   

Leading by example is easier said than done and leading is passion and should come from the heart. 

You have to be consistent in your words and actions and words and action should not contradict with each other.  Walk the talk.  This infographic that I found is a useful guide in becoming a Great Boss people will want to work with and will gain loyalty from your people.

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